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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My 1st PuBlicATiOn...

Alhamdulillah my first publication had published successfully. Many thanks to my Co-Supervisor

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nasir Mohamad for guiding me all this while..=)

Here are the front chapter of the books:

Plasma Methadone Level Monitoring in Methadone Maintenance Therapy:
A Personalised Methadone Therapy

Nasir Mohamad, Roslanuddin Mohd Salehuddin,
Basyirah Ghazali, Nor Hidayah Abu Bakar,
Nurfadhlina Musa, Muslih Abdulkarim Ibrahim,
Liyana Hazwani Mohd Adnan, Ahmad Rashidi and
Rusli Ismail

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
1.1. Opioid substitution therapy
Substitution therapy for opiate abusers reduces dependencies on illicit drugs by utilizing
opioid agonists that bind to opioid receptors in the brain. Apart from the physical benefits of
reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms, it also plays a role in reducing other problems
associated with opioid abuse. Their longer duration of action means they do not require
frequent administration and hence enables patients to carry out activities of daily living...

To further read the books, please go to this link:


Monday, May 27, 2013

To My Future Soulmate;

Wherever you are, or whoever you are. I am indecisive, and I’ll probably never know fully if you’re the 

one for me. But I hope and pray that God is going to help me, and strengthen me in this time of difficulty 

and rest, and equip me with the tools I need to learn to be emotionally involved with…


Behind every great man is not a woman – she is beside him, she is with him, not behind him.

May Allah Bless Us 5/27/13

When you fully put your trust in Allah to handle all your matters, it is then that unexpected and wonderful things start to happen. We've just got to make the first step and Allah will take care of the rest, insha Allah =)

P/S: Liyana