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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Benar.....DIA Maha Menghulurkan Pertolongan

All praises to Allah S.W.T....

Dear Allah,
in this time of difficulty, YOU help me,
Whenever I really need your help, YOU are always with me,
Whenever I feel hurt, it is YOU who listen to me,
Whenever I am alone, it is YOU who always be there with me,
Whenever I am sad, YOU release my sadness with your wisdom of words (Al-Quran),
Whenever I am happy, it reminds me of your blessing,

Dear Allah,
Do Forgive me,
I may not be a good person to YOU,
In my such busy days everyday, sometimes I miss to come to YOU at a perfect time,
When you are calling me five times a day,
And Sometimes I may not be a good daughter to my parents,
Sometimes I may not be a good friend to my friends,
Sometimes I may not be a good employer to my employee,
Yet, YOU are so kind to me,
For everything that you already give me,
May this journey be filled with your blessing,
and Please accept my good deeds along this path,
This is my answer to YOU for the sake of my hereafter,
at the time if YOU asked me "Where did you spent your young age?"
Thank You Allah,
You are so kind with me,
I am always in need your HELP & Kindness.

Liyana 9042014.

 P/s: Buat sahabat-sahabat di luar sana, setiap kali berdepan dengan ujian dan kesukaran, angkat tanganmu dan berdoa kepada NYA, yakinlah pertolonganNYA pasti menjengah =) Bila bersandar pada makhlukNYA, pasti kita akan kecewa. Tetapi bersandarlah hanya kepadaNYA, DIA pasti tidak akan mengecewakannmu...subhanallah...

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